Monday, June 1, 2020

The USA is FUBAR: An Essay on Race, Riots, and Why You're an Idiot

Long Rant with editorial notes Inc: #BlackLivesMatter and other issues

This country is FUBAR.


    Honestly, I've gotten used to most of the people I know and am related to being racist. Yes, even you who says "I'm not racist, I just hate STEREOTYPES" (Newsflash, numbnuts, that is racism. And before you ask, no this isn't addressing just one person)

    So, just for you, I'll take race out of the equation. Just for you, I will pretend it isn't about race. (It is.)

    Why the FUCK do we let police officers get away with doing whatever the fuck they want? Why do we allow unchecked authority to belong to people we cannot hold accountable? When we do hold them accountable and demand justice and reform, suddenly we hate police officers? Why does everyone I know get nervous when an officer is following them, even if they are not breaking the law?

    I simply believe that NO UNARMED PERSON SHOULD DIE IN POLICE CUSTODY FOR ANY REASON. Officers should be criminally charged for criminal offenses. That is it. That is the whole point of all of these protests when you take race out of the equation.

George Floyd was killed for allegedly using a fake $20 bill
George Floyd was killed for allegedly using a fake $20 bill.

    Throughout all of the protests and riots, I have only seen people care about the destruction of personal and business property (almost all of which is insured and can be rebuilt and replaced BTW) and no Police Boot-lickers (<--Term used exclusively for the benefit of Jeremy Hunt) commenting on the fact that officers are firing pepper bullets, flashbangs, rubber bullets, and advancing in a fucking phalanx formation (hyperbole) causing injury to peaceful protesters to "Clear the streets." Why are the streets so damn important? Because it inconveniences people? So we cause harm to others for our convenience? How fucking Christian of you.

    We have cities imposing curfews and notifying the citizens AFTER it is in effect. Our Militarized police forces were able to clear the streets in full protective gear, yet too many of our hospitals didn't and still don't have the protective gear needed to treat COVID patients. We (white people) are brainwashed to believe that the police are there to protect us, which is largely true. But in order to understand why that is, let's add race BACK into the equation where it belongs.

    Do you know, historically where your police come from? Probably not because you're a fucking idiot. Here is a summary, go read the paper with cited sources if you don't buy it:


    Yes, Martin Luther King Jr. believed in peaceful protesting. He spent many years preaching love, compassion, and telling the world about his dream of "little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers." It is too bad that he was murdered on April 4, 1968.
    If white people want to invoke the words of MLK, let us remember how we treated them when they were peacefully marching. What has changed? The answer may surprise you.
    Rioting led to the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The Stonewall Riots began the movement allowing LGBTQ+ to be allowed to exist in public. Rioting has led to revolutions. Rioting does, in fact, CREATE change. I'm sorry you can't accept that.
    Let us not forget that peaceful protests have been going on for years. The first one I remember was for Trayvon Martin, who was unjustly gunned down in 2012 (8 years ago!) by George Zimmerman, a "concerned citizen" who reported Martin for being a suspicious person.
    So, if peaceful protests haven't worked for 8 years, what do you suggest, oh so very wise white savior?
    Rioting and looting is not something that comes from rational thinking. To try to apply logic to it is frankly, kind of fucking stupid. The protests and riots are in response to an entire system that treats Black people like shit. If you're too dumb to agree with that, you have to at the very least acknowledge how the poor are treated in this country. (Surprise, a disproportionate amount of people that live in poverty are also Black.) ATMs and shopping malls represent that system on a much larger scale than say, storming a police precinct. The problems are much larger than police brutality, but it was the straw that broke the camel's back.
    People are scared and anxious and racists have been removing their humanity for generations. You can't even imagine facing centuries of oppression with no justice has been served.

Why You Are An Idiot

Now, I know that this is the reason you have read this far. You want to know what makes you an idiot, right? Well there are a few possible answers so I'll let you pick the one you think is the most representative of your situation. You may select as many as you'd like that apply:
  1. "All Lives Matter." While this statement is unequivocally true, it dilutes the message of "Black Lives Matter." A common misconception is that saying "Black Lives Matter" means that Black lives matter more than others, which largely people don't consider to be the message. "Black Lives Matter" is a statement. It isn't some huge philosophical concept. It is just that, they matter. A fun analogy I've always enjoyed is this: If you say "Save the Rain forest" you are not saying "Fuck All Other Trees." If you are having difficulty with this concept, please enjoy this song by BODY COUNT:

Friday, October 26, 2018

Game Cafe PPTQ Top 8 - Tournament Report

Hello. I played in a PPTQ and got 5th. Here is a report.

The List

Here is the list I played. It was neat.
We'll talk about this more in a minute, but suffice it to say, there were some sideboard cards I wanted and was missing.

The Tourney

Round 1 vs. Jeskai Control (2-1)

Game 1

Went as I expected, though I had not prepared the match up much. Though it seemed that my opponent had brewed a little bit, I'm not able to specify much of what may be different than a stock list. I was able to burn him down. The game could have very well ended up in his favor, but I landed an Experimental Frenzy late in the game and got a Lightning Strike, Mountain, Lightning Strike for lethal.

Game 2

I kept an iffy hand, and continued to draw mountains and not much else.

Game 3

My opening hand I kept had a Sorcerous Spyglass in it I kept playing creature after creature. He ran out of removal and didn't have the mana to cast Settle the Wreckage.

Round 2 vs. Selesnya Tokens (2-0)

Game 1

I drew a ton of my cheap removal early on and kept her from picking up traction. I was bound to get there eventually.

Game 2

Second verse same as the first. 

Round 3 vs. Elves (2-1)

Game 1 

He seemed to be playing Elf Tribal. He was on the play and got game 1 by turning creatures sideways, and I did not draw the cards I needed to remove them.

Game 2

I removed every threat as it hit the board and got in with Rekindling Phoenixes. Finished off with a kicked Fight with Fire.

Game 3

See game 2.

Round 4 vs. Goblins (0-2)

This guy just got an explosive start both games and I didn't draw the Fiery Cannonades that could have gotten me some time. Game 1 I mulled to 5. That's all I can really say.

Round 5 vs. Golgari (2-0)

He really didn't get to play magic both games. I removed every creature he played and finished him off with a Banefire.

Top 8 vs. Jeskai Control (0-2)

This was a much more typical build that did Jeskai control things. I did not draw the cards needed to close out the game in a timely manner. Crackling drake is a beast. Game 2, I did almost remove every win con, so I had a better chance of getting there.

That's it.

Monday, April 13, 2015

SCG States Results, ProTour DTK, and other thoughts.

I know all of my avid readers and fans were waiting for me to get back with my States results. Yep. So many of you. Clamoring... over me.... Well, anyway.

State Championships

I went to Nebraska's SCG State Championships for Standard at Hobbytown USA in Lincoln, NE. I was one of four people representing Dungeon Delver Gaming Supplies, my unofficial sponsor and LGS of my choice. So let's start from the beginning.

I rode up the night before with Richard Kipena and Trevor Sterkel, two friends of mine and fellow Dungeon Delver players. When we arrived at the venue that morning, we were already pretty skeptical. Traditionally, a majority of Nebraska's LGSs, (merged into the Super Friends-esque group known as Midwest Championship Gaming) hold SCG State tournaments at convention centers or halls to rent out, but this particular tournament was held at Hobbytown's suburban location. This was really the only problem I encountered. While I do not directly represent any stores, I could tell that the smaller town stores who were forced to set up Vendor Booths in a back room dining hall next door were less than excited about the situation. I'm not sure what transpired in the MCG or who decided hosting a large, multi-store sponsored event in one store was a good idea. But it most definitely wasn't a good idea. While it was one of the larger gaming spaces I have seen, It ended up being crowded beyond belief. Look..... I know I'm not a tiny man, but I am not huge either. I'm also not clumsy, but the amount of times I nearly tripped and fell trying to get to my seating assignment was outrageous.

Thankfully, there wouldn't have been room for this guy.

There was no player's meeting (saves time, but is pretty important in an event of 100+ people). Overall, the Judging staff was very.... let's say "Meh." I have been to competitive REL events in Nebraska before and they all had the same head judge. I couldn't tell you his name for the life of me, but he was a fine judge who was very professional and handled the tournament well. Our head judge for States this time around was fine, but his helper, (I assume an L1 from the Omaha/Lincoln area) was not in his Magic judging shirt. He wore a black t-shirt and jeans (with a hole near the ass). I can't recall either judge introducing themselves, but I could very well have just missed that part of the beginning of the first round.

Overall, the event as a whole was pretty disorganized and unappealing. Don't get me wrong, it was not a miserable experience, but it also wasn't as smooth as it could have been. And it definitely WAS over-crowded. There is a lot to be said when I feel like I could have organized it better, considering my desk is in shambles.

Barely a dramatization.

Now, to the Magic bits. After DTK released, I went all in on G/R Dragons. I have the aggroier Boon Satyr version as well as the Midrange-y Courser of Kruphix version more or less ready to go. I went with a carbon copy of Chris VanMeter's list that helped him to victory in the SCG tournament he won. Without knowing what the meta is like in the bigger cities and not really knowing the players I expected to see a bit of the same as me, as well as the usual "still pretty new set" guys like Mono-Red and other Aggro strategies. Richard went in playing Esper Dragon Control, and Trevor was also playing G/R Dragons with a few sideboard changes.

With 108 entries into the Nebraska State Championships, I felt prepared.

Round 1 - Jeskai Thing

I'm not really sure what to call the deck I faced. It wasn't Jeskai Aggro/Tempo, it was probably closer to a Jeskai Midrange or even control. I didn't really get to see too much of it, because I got absolutely REKT.

Every threat of mine that hit the board was removed. The ones that weren't removed were countered. Both games were over by turn 10. I saw Banishing Lights, Dissolves, Stoke the Flames, Dragonlord Ojutai, and Soulfire Grand Master.

Match: 0-2
Record: 0-1

Round 2 - 4-color Reanimator

Sidisis and Siege Rhinos. Game one was pretty uneventful. I didn't get a whole lot of damage in, he removed my threats and Siege Rhino'd me. Game two was a fun game that involved Dragonlords on both sides. After he Dragonlord Silumgar'd my Dragonlord Atarka, it was  clear victory in his favor.

Match: 0-2
Record: 0-2

Round 3 - Jeskai Tokens

This match was against a wonderful opponent from a nearby town. Her and I had some lovely matches in the past and this was no exception. Game one I got out big dragons and hit her with them. She wasn't able to get to many threats. Game two I flipped a card on my library after my Courser died, so I got a warning and a shuffle. No big deal. Until I drew another card, promptly realized my mistake and conceded that game. Game three was a dragon beat-down fest in my favor.

Match: 2-1
Record: 1-2

Round 4 - Esper Control

When I realized what this guy was playing I was a bit worried. Disdainful Stroke wrecks me. However, he never seemed to hit the counterspells he needed and I was able to ramp and dragon beat down for game one. For game two, I sided in Nissa, Worldwaker and was able to have her and Xenagos, the Reveler on the board at the same time. He cast End Hostilities to wipe my creatures, so next turn I just made new ones and hit for the match ender.

Match: 2-0
Record: 2-2

Round 5 - Sidisi Whip

Good deck, but a little outdated. he admitted to me that he didn't have as much time to play and hadn't really updated with the new set. Game one he made the same Courser mistake that I did so we called Judge. Got his warning and a prompt Dragon or two in the face. Game two was just striaght up dragons in the face.

Match: 2-0
Record: 3-2

Round 6 - Mono-Red

I hadn't seen a mono-red deck in the new standard yet, so I was excited to see what it had to offer, being a red mage. Both games involved me flat-out stomping him with creatures, while he got in some swings as well. With this game, I learned how great Seismic Rupture really is, because I wiped his board. I was able to control his board for a while and try to sneak in some damage here and there. he got me down to four and top-decked lands for the rest of the game. It is scary being in Stoke range for that many turns.

Match: 2-0
Record: 4-2

Round 7 - Bant Heroic

This list was the U/W Heroic with a splash of Green for Dromoka's Command. Both games were very close, but ultimately, he was able to just go faster and Dromoka's Command is stupid powerful. That's really it. With so much cheap protection in the format, it's almost worth splashing white into any aggro deck.

Match: 0-2
Final Record: 4-3

I ended up ranking 39th out of the 108 which is pretty close to where I usually end up at these kinds of things.

The Dungeon Delver Four posted numbers coming in at 18th, 19th, 22nd, and me at 39th. All in the top half from a shop that no one from Omaha or Lincoln has ever heard of. Take that.

Pro Tour

I watched Day 1 constructed and Top 8 and that was about it. I liked what I saw. Standard is healthy (for now). I am happy.

Dang, this guy plays some great Not-So-Mono-Red!

Other Thoughts

Nebraska has a problem when it comes to Magic. The people in Omaha and Lincoln do not want to drive any farther west than Lincoln. The problem with that being that there are 5 Magic playing places in that area, 3 of which are members of this MCG. People in Omaha and Lincoln need to remember that there are four other towns with active Magic Communities.

I'm really tired of people saying Standard is boring or just the same 4 decks because it really isn't. Current viable decks include but are not limited to: Mono-Red, Atarka Deck Wins, Abzan Aggro, U/B Control, Esper Control, G/R Dragons, GW Devotion, Green Devotion, Abzan Midrange, Abzan Conrol, Jeskai Tokens, Jeskai Aggro, Jeskai Midrange, Jeskai Control, Bant Heroic, Sultai Reanimator, etc. etc. Yes. There aren't as many as Modern. The card pool is smaller and we are at an awkward time waiting for less-than-stellar Theros to rotate. But the format is healthy and more importantly, FUN.

Someone needs to give me large sums of money so I can begin playing Modern and Legacy.